Product of Learning Portfolio

Below you will find my Product of Learning for the Masters in History Education program at Appalachian State University. It is comprised of a unit map, five lesson plans, and assessment samples created for a World History class, focusing on defining genocide, investigating case studies from the twentieth century, and how survivors take their agency back. The intent of this unit is to teach students empathy.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.

The intention of this unit is to teach empathy through hard history and to prioritize the voices of survivors of genocide. Students will be able to explore and answer the unit essential question, “What are the implications of using the term ‘genocide’?

Formative assessments for this unit include image and source analysis activities, discussion of oral history, as well as resources to arrange for a survivor to speak to your students. The summative assessment requires students to record a podcast based on their class research.

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